Tuesday, January 24, 2012


A night in the life.. of the notorious party-girl Harper Page

Here's what happened.

After leaving the most boring lecture ever at school, my companions and I decided that we NEEDED to do something fun that evening, in order to take the bad taste of school out of our brains. Bridget's family was out of town that weekend, and we decided it would be fun to pre-game at her house, and then walk somewhere close, because she lives in Bellecoeur, which is a giant hot-spot for night-life. The goal of the night was to get trashed(sorry mom) and we promised to contact each other after dinner with the hosties. I went to the grocery store to pick up some snacks(a baguette and 7 bars of chocolate) and I was ready to party.

My family had gone à la compagne, and I was perfectly content toute seule, hanging out in my bra and undies, doing whatever I wanted to do (aka facebook stalking, watching requium for a dream, absolutely nothing). By the time 8 o'clock rolled around, I was feeling pretty lazy. Pulled myself off the couch, hit the computer, and saw that Bridget was still super pumped to go out. Then emily sent me a facebook chat asking for the scoop, and i knew i didnt have the heart to disappoint anyone. I smelled my armpits (french deoderant does not work, despite it's promise to last 48 hours) and took a bath, because that's what you do in France. All squeaky clean, I was ready to go! then megan and i broke up (subject change) and i was on my way out!

On the way to meet emily at Foche(round 10 or so), the beer that was in my purse exploded. I had a moment of silence before meeting up with emily, and we took the metro (with marge and homer simpson, no joke) to Victor Hugo, where we ran into alice and wonderland characters. This had to be a good omen, there were parties and fun times to be had. We stopped in a small grocery store, bought some "rhum" and found Bridget's apartment. The giant automatic old wooden door opened to show a classy woman standing before us, with big curly hair and a radiant smile. We took the tiny french elevator up to the second floor, and proceeded to have drinks and talk about days of delinquence (bridget's badass broke into a lay's fatory and stole 700 dollars worth of goods back in high school). 2 bottles of rum and a bit of whiskey later, it was 3 o'clock, and we decided it was finally time to hit the streets of Lyon, and made our way into the elevator. Did i mention the 2 bottles of rum and the whiskey? Well I'm going to mention it again because somehow when we pressed the elevator for the next floor down, it took us all the way up to the 6th floor, and we walked the 7 flights back down, laughing all the way.

Having successfully made it out of the building, we headed towards l'Ambassade, our goal of the evening, because it was a lub that stayed open til 5 and was super close. Bridget exclaimed many times that she knew exactly where it was, so none of us looked up directions. 10 minutes later we found ourselves lost, and while discussing directions we ran into a pimple-faced geeky frenchman wearing a hollister polo(which is extremely hard to get, and expensive, in France). We asked him how to get to l'Ambassade, and he said, "no, no, you don't want to go there, it's no fun". He gave us directions, all the while insulting this club that we had our hearts set on going to. We asked him where we should go instead, and he replied, to this party that I'm going to now, it's in my apartment upstairs. Listen, you can hear the music. We were standing outside of his apartment, and there was loud music with a heavy beat coming from upstairs, so we decided to take a chance and follow him up the three flights to his apt.

Once inside, we realized there was no party. There may have been a party recently, because there were tons of absolut vodka bottles scattered around the apt, but it was definately not still happening. We told the geeky man that we were no longer interested in his party (though his apt was super super cute) and that we were leaving for the dance club. He replied and said that he could be the DJ and put on some music(it was actually good music, in his favor.. Rihanna of course) and we left the apt, laughing our way down yet another set of stairs. We found ourselves on the street yet again, with the same mission. To the club!

Unfortunately we couldn't quite remember the geeky man's directions and ended up a group of people who led us in the right direction. Then we got lost again (these streets are not on a grid) and asked another man for directions, and we continued on, thinking that we would never find out where this club was. After we found ourselves lost again, we decided to give up and head back to Bridgets(it's like 4 in the morning now). While walking home, we ended up running into the damn club, and had the night of our lives. I don't remember what happened after the disco music kicked in. You'll have to use your imagination....

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